Old Operating Theatre (London)

Old Operating Theatre (London)

Saturday, 25 September 2010


To start working on your essay (20% of your final mark) I need to send you your Research Article individually. Please make sure you accept CienciasSaludIngles@hotmail.com in you Messenger in order to be part of the working group. This would enable me to address your own RA.

If you haven´t given me your address, please email me to hotmail and I will include you.

Thanks a lot!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010


El miércoles 22 de septiembre de 2010 comenzarán las clases. Hasta que todo el alumnado se matricule, todos los grupos tendrán clase de 16 a 18 horas.
I see you on Wednesday at 16 hours in "Aula 8" (Aulario A)

Monday, 20 September 2010


Please do facilitate your hotmail address to the teacher (CienciasSaludIngles@hotmail.com) or create a new one in order to be in touch and share different materials and observations. This mean of communication will also be used to have real-timed conversations or teletutorials.


Please collect the materials selected for class at Reprgrafía (Building A; Faculty of Medicine). The dossier available would be used everyday in class for this subject (Inglés Médico 22945/plan a extinguir/all groups).

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Se convoca al alumnado de todos los grupos de la optativa Inglés Médico el martes 21 de septiembre a las 18 horas. Nos reuniremos en el Aulario A (aula 8).